Tuesday -Friday 11:00 Am -4:00 Pm 

How We Treasure You 24/7 | CLOSED

  • We provide information and referrals to the services that best meet individual needs, through Outreach
  • Our 24/7 Text SPEAK Program Provides Information Within Mins, By Texting 323-635-0173 (No Calls) 
  • Our Services provide outreach and education, service navigation, or care coordination to assist people with accessing and obtaining services.


"The Treasure Grid Inc. is thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of a new and free online store catering to the homeless and low-income families. This initiative aims to provide essential items and resources to those in need.

The team at The Treasure Grid Inc. is excited to bring this project to life and make a positive impact in the community. Stay tuned for the grand opening of our online store, where everyone can shop for free and find valuable items to support their households.

Together, we can make a difference and empower those facing housing insecurity. Let's work towards creating a more inclusive and supportive environment for all."

More Details Coming Soon !!

Need Answers FAQ

1. Do I Need an ID for Services 

The company policy at Treasure Grid Inc. states that an ID is required to access their services. However, there may be some circumstances where individuals without an ID can still be eligible for services. It is important to understand the specific criteria and conditions under which this exception may apply.

Furthermore, it would be advisable to clarify with the company what alternative documentation or process can be followed in lieu of an ID to prove eligibility for their services. This could include providing additional forms of identification or verification to meet their requirements.

In any case, it is recommended to reach out to Treasure Grid Inc. directly to discuss your individual situation and seek clarification on how to proceed if you do not have an ID readily available. They may be able to provide guidance on the necessary steps to take in order to access their services without an ID.

2. Do You have to Be Approved for Services 

"Yes, The Treasure Grid Inc. Requires Approval for Services. You must meet Eligibility for Services to be Offered. You must be Homeless or Low Income."

3. Do You Run Background Checks 

The Treasure Grid Inc will not request a background check for provided services unless it is required.

Does The Treasure Grid Have a Waiting List 

The Treasure Grid Inc will not request a background check for provided services unless it is required.

How Long does it Take to Get Services 

When communicating about service times, it's important to convey the varied duration based on the requirements of each service. Some services may be completed within a day, while others could take up to three months. Due to the unique nature of each service request, it is challenging to provide an exact timeframe for completion. This variability underscores the need for flexibility and understanding from clients regarding service turnaround times. Customer expectations should be managed by explaining the factors that can influence the duration of service delivery, such as complexity, resource availability, and external dependencies. Clear communication about these variables helps set realistic expectations and build transparency and trust with clients.

Can a Undocumented Get Services 

"The Treasure Grid does not offer services to undocumented clients. Instead, we will refer them to appropriate resources that cater to their specific needs."

How Do I Submit a Appeal if Denied Services 

The Treasure Grid Appeal Process is overseen by our Case Review Team. This process typically takes around 30 to 90 days for a decision to be reached. During this time, the Case Review Team carefully evaluates the appeals submitted by clients regarding their Treasure Grid account. They review all relevant information, including any documentation provided by the client, to make an informed decision.

Clients can rest assured that their appeal will be thoroughly reviewed and considered by our team of experts. Transparency and fairness are key principles in our appeal process, ensuring that clients receive a fair hearing and a timely resolution to their concerns.

The Case Review Team is committed to providing a thorough and efficient appeal process to address any issues or disputes regarding the Treasure Grid account. Clients can trust in our team's dedication to resolving matters in a timely and professional manner.

What if you get Ban 

If you are banned by The Treasure Grid Inc from receiving services, you waive your right to appeal and may be banned for up to 10 years. This policy is in place to ensure the integrity and security of the services provided by the company. It is important to adhere to the terms and conditions set forth by The Treasure Grid Inc to avoid any potential bans and repercussions.

To prevent being banned, users should familiarize themselves with the company's policies and guidelines, and make sure to comply with them at all times. Any violations of the terms of service or inappropriate conduct may result in a ban from using the services.

If a ban is imposed, it is important to respect the decision and understand the consequences of not following the rules. It is always best to engage respectfully and responsibly with the services provided by The Treasure Grid Inc to maintain a positive relationship and avoid any disruptions in accessing their services.

Do you have Facebook 

Yes, The Treasure Grid Inc, is on Facebook, However we will Not Reply to Messages or allow new Clients to Apply via Facebook, Please Use Case Review.

Case Review

Would You like us to Review your case before Applying, Simply Fill Out the form below, Once Reviewed We will contact you via Email. 

Find The Treasure On The Following 

CA Secretary of State